Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Son is full of it..... You take your eyes off him for 2 sec he will be into something hes not suppose too. When he is being silent u know hes into something he shouldnt be. I was doing the dishes, and my little Jet was being super silent so I figured I would go see what he was up too... Of coarse his favorite place to be the bathroom. He had to hole roll of toilet paper everywhere. Not to mention all the litle peices he had ripped up. He was surpirsed when I walked in there and looked at me like. "oh no my mom is mad"... So he starts to laugh like its funny... I cant help but laugh at him..I hate it I wish I could be stonger everytimes hes in trouble he knows how to get me.. Victor always tells me Candace dont be his best freind be his mom.. lol.. Jet is such a handful and keeps me going everyday. Its never a dull moment around our house. We would be so bord all the time if it wasnt for him. We love you Jet...

1 comment:

  1. How freakin cute! I love it! I bet he keeps you on your toes! How can you not laugh at that cute little face?! He is just adorable!
