Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Son is full of it..... You take your eyes off him for 2 sec he will be into something hes not suppose too. When he is being silent u know hes into something he shouldnt be. I was doing the dishes, and my little Jet was being super silent so I figured I would go see what he was up too... Of coarse his favorite place to be the bathroom. He had to hole roll of toilet paper everywhere. Not to mention all the litle peices he had ripped up. He was surpirsed when I walked in there and looked at me like. "oh no my mom is mad"... So he starts to laugh like its funny... I cant help but laugh at him..I hate it I wish I could be stonger everytimes hes in trouble he knows how to get me.. Victor always tells me Candace dont be his best freind be his mom.. lol.. Jet is such a handful and keeps me going everyday. Its never a dull moment around our house. We would be so bord all the time if it wasnt for him. We love you Jet...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What a big help Jet is. Victor needed to do an oil change on his truck, when daddy little helper decied he wanted to help.Victor crawls under and right behind him there was Jet. What a mess he was cover in oil. But he sure did have a fun time helping his dad, and learing how to change the oil.. Jet loves to hangout with his daddy and do boys thing that mom wont do with him.. He loves to play with tools and will unscrew anything he see..He will be just like his daddy someday. (little handy man.) I love my boys!

Happy 1st Birthday Corbin!!
Happy First birthday Corbin Riley. I cant believe u are already one... Iam sorry I missed your party but I want you to know how much I love you. and it has been fun to see you and Jet grow up..( so fast). Tesha your are an amazing person and an awesome mom. You have done a awesome job at raising your little one. I cant wait till they get alittle bit older to acually really play. I love you guys and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Corbin!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

This weekend we decided to go on a road trip... Victor wanted to take The Apache Trail. We left home at 12 noon and started our road trip.. The scenery was beautiful. We finally reached Roosevelt dam at 5... Not to mention my little impatient little boy was ready to get out of the truck meaning we had been in there for 4 hrs. We stop at a gas station at the lake got some snake and drinks and stretched our legs and be on our way. We deiced we would head home through Globe. While we were driving Victor says I wanna take u to this little town to eat. So when we hit superior we took a left turn and went about 20 miles south to a litte town call Kearney.. We ate a a yummy Pizza place there. We drove around this small town for a hr and stop and there hometown park and let Jet play... We finally were on our drive back home! (FINALLY) We got home about 10 PM. What a fun day!!! And great bonded time with our little family... Also HAPPY FATHER Day babe.. you are an amazing father to our little man.. I love you!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I finally deiced I would start a blog not to sure what iam actually doing but iam sure I will figure it out. Well where to start. Jet is 14 months old and is such a handful. He is a blessing to our life's. He keeps us going everyday. Who knows where we would be without him. As for us we are all doing wonderful and living life day to day. Hope i can figure all this out!!!

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