Thursday, June 18, 2009

I finally deiced I would start a blog not to sure what iam actually doing but iam sure I will figure it out. Well where to start. Jet is 14 months old and is such a handful. He is a blessing to our life's. He keeps us going everyday. Who knows where we would be without him. As for us we are all doing wonderful and living life day to day. Hope i can figure all this out!!!

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  1. YAY! You guys have a blog now i don't feel like such a nerd haha...i love all the family pics they are so cute. I miss you guys :( Come back for a visit soon okay?!!

  2. I am so glad you decided to make a blog! It is fun to keep up and see everyone and what they are doing!
    Jet is so cute in the pictures! I love the last picture of the 3 of you!
    It was good seeing you hopefully we will make it down again soon.

  3. hey girly! i am so glad you got a blog :) jet is so big and oh so handsome! we need to get together soon! luv ya girl!
